K-WAVE 107.9 Now Also Delivers Truth & Hope On Los Angeles' AM 1110!

My fellow KWVE/"K-WAVE" on-air colleagues & I are excited to be a part of a radio ministry team that made history just hours ago. Along with 107.9 FM, K-WAVE is also now heard on the legendary 50,000-watt powerhouse known as AM 1110 in Los Angeles! A few months ago, my employer Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (founded by Pastor Chuck Smith) bought AM 1110 from The Disney Company for $5 million (a nice piece of cheese to a certain Mouse Factory, in what is not a Mickey Mouse deal).

On Friday, September 8th, 2023, at 3:00 PM Pacific Time, AM 1110 made the switch from a Disney Company-owned sports talk format to a Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa-owned Christian talk/Bible teaching format. Among many others, my wife April was an "earwitness", telling me over the phone that she could hear K-WAVE loud and clear on AM 1110 while driving through the San Fernando Valley (where our 107.9 FM signal can be "spotty" in some areas). Now via a much stronger signal on AM 1110, K-WAVE will reach more souls for God and His eternal kingdom throughout Los Angeles County, Ventura County, North San Diego County, the Inland Empire and in the desert areas on the way to and from Las Vegas (no, I have not made a return to Highway Radio, I'm still at K-WAVE reaching listeners before Christ Jesus' return).

Some former colleagues and other folks (including those who have followed my pro wrestling announcing career) have wondered, "Where exactly do you broadcast from?" Above is a photo of our K-WAVE Building. It used to be called the Logos Building, but being called the K-WAVE Building, with "K-WAVE 107.9 FM" shining brightly like The Light in the darkness, has been easier to spot as a landmark for those seeking directions while attending pastors conferences, missions conferences and other big events on the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa megachurch campus. Within this 6-story building, our radio studios and video studios cover the entire 5th floor (thank God, I feel safe sharing all this, since our building is well-secured, and we have 24/7 security guards on the CCCM campus, where I used to see Pastor Chuck Smith humbly serving the Lord by picking up trash off the campus grounds and in the 5th floor men's restroom).

Praise God that I am one of the chosen ones to carry on the great Pastor Chuck Smith's legacy, now in a bigger mission field, "sharing life, delivering truth, giving hope".


  1. Congratulations on the addition of AM 1110 to the K-WAVE family of stations! From all the business news I have read on the interwebs, Disney may have sold the station to CCCM because it's in deep financial trouble from its recent box office failures and the heavy debt it's carrying from buying 20th Century Studios and promoting Disney Plus. So it's unloading as many assets as possible to pare down that debt. But Disney's loss is God's gain with the church now owning that powerful station potentially covering half the population of California.

    I briefly worked at K-WAVE at its old San Clemente location between 1997 and 1998. I attended CCCM's services in the early 2010s and have heard you on the overnight shift at K-WAVE. Today I live in Honolulu and worship at Calvary Chapel Downtown, where I am part of the two-person media team.

    I know there is another local Christian teaching station on the AM dial, which has sadly given itself over to political activism, conspiracy theories and prosperity theology while claiming to be "biblical, right and true". With the addition of AM 1110, I hope and pray that K-WAVE's biblically solid programming will shine much "brighter" over Southern California!

  2. Rich Rodriguez, God bless you and thank you for listening...and for all of us who trust in Yeshua/Jesus as Savior and Lord, may we continue to shine in this world that is getting darker and darker, reflecting His light, until The Light returns to rule over this earth that He created! Rich, shalom and aloha!


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