Bibles For The World Shares The Gospel Beyond The Next Mountain And Beyond

Within the "profile" of this blog...the section where I say "Yes, it's me, the wrestling announcer dude!"...I mention that my favorite movie is "Beyond The Next Mountain", which reveals how God used one missionary's 5 day journey to turn a tribe of headhunters into Bible believing followers of Christ Jesus, which led to the formation of my favorite charitable organization, Bibles For the World, currently led by John Pudaite out of Colorado Springs, Colorado, carrying on his family's God-honoring legacy. 

Just hours ago, my wife April & I (along with Bob & Betsy from Covina) had a splendid time of food and fellowship with John Pudaite at the Black Bear Diner in Fullerton, California (pictured above). Later on during the evening, April & I enjoyed listening to John and other speakers from various ministries at the edifying SoCal AWAKE! Conference at the Grace Church Fullerton Miracle Center.

The Welsh missionary named Watkin Roberts was only 22 years old when he was used mightily as God's instrument to share the gospel with the Hmar tribe of headhunters (including John Pudaite's grandfather) in northeast India. On stage at SoCal AWAKE!, John effectively made this point to the youth in attendance, that now (not later in life) is the time to go and make disciples and to be our Lord's witnesses (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8), reminding me of what the apostle Paul told his young protege Timothy, "Let no man despise your youth; but be an example to those who believe, in word, in your way of life, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12).

As a side note, both John Pudaite and I were born and raised in the same area in Illinois, and we both grew up watching Dick The Bruiser, "the world's most dangerous wrestler". Speaking of wrestling (hey, I am "the wrestling announcer dude"), in 1989, there was a famous "I quit" match featuring the NWA world champion Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk, in which the only way to win this match was to make your opponent say the words "I quit" into a microphone held by the referee, for everybody in attendance to hear (Funk said the words "I quit" into the microphone when he submitted to Flair's figure four leglock). 

Leading up to this "I quit" match, the legendary wrestling announcer Gordon Solie hyped up this bout in a simple yet effective way: "Two words, five letters, I quit".

Well, here are my own words to "hype up" or sum up the effectiveness of the worldwide Bibles For The World missionary, five days, thousands introduced to Christ Jesus. 


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